[Illustration group exhibition: Japanese literature "Gauche The Chellist" at Flew Gallery, Tokyo. English below]
今年9月に東京フリュウギャラリー で開かれたグループ展、宮沢賢治の世界を描く「イーハトーブ・クロニクル III」に参加をしました。私は大好きなセロ弾きのゴーシュの物語を何枚か描きました。
Scene1:楽団のチェロ 弾きゴーシュはたっぷり楽団長に小言を言われた後、 しょんぼり重いだろうチェロ ケースを抱えて夜道を帰るのでした。
On his way home after being scolded a lot by the band leader in a joint practice.
Scene2: 家路について水をいっぱい飲み干して、虎のような勢いでまた昼の譜を弾き始めるゴーシュ。夜中もとうに過ぎて、もう何を弾いてるのか自分でもわからなくなってしまい・・
As soon as he got home, he started practicing again like crazy.
Scene3: 血眼になって練習しているゴーシュの元に 裏庭で盗ってきたトマトを抱えた三毛猫が現れました。 偉そうにリクエストする猫にゴーシュは腹を立てて 「インドの虎狩り」という曲を嵐のように 狂い弾き。猫はびっくり仰天、ぜーぜー。 面白がったゴーシュは猫の舌でマッチをすり一服するのでした。
One day, a stray cat stealing tomatoes from Gauche's field and holding them in his arms came in through the door. And then he made some requests to Gauche to play a piece arrogantly. That attitude made Gauche very angry and so in revenge he gave the cat a crazily noisy play to frighten him.
Scene4: 翌晩の訪問者は天井裏からのかっこう。 「音楽を教えてください」とせがむかっこう、 一緒に合わせているうちに、かっこうのドレミの方が良くなってきてしまい…!?
On the next evening, a cuckoo came in through the attic and asked Gauche to teach him music. First, her melody was unstable but eventually she began to sing so beautifully that Gauche was surprised.
Scene5: 毎晩練習中に訪れる動物、 今晩はたぬきがそろりと入ってきました。 「たぬき汁にして食っちまうぞ」というゴーシュに 「僕小太鼓係なんです、ゴーシュさんに習いにきました」 と言うと背中から棒を二本抜き出して セロの駒のところを叩き始めました。
On the next day, a raccoon came in saying " I am a small drummer in the band". At last Gauche fed up with every night's unexpected guests and said with a little anger "I'll eat you up with soup!" But without flinch, the raccoon took out two sticks from his back and beat with the rhythm on the bridge of Gauche's cello. That brought Gauche a little joy to continue to play music.
Scene6: 次の晩に隙間から入ってきたのは子供を連れた野ネズミ 「先生この子の調子の体調が悪くて治してやってくれませんか?」とゴーシュに頼んでくる 動物たちの間でゴーシュのセロを聞けば病気が治ると噂が流れているらしい そこで子ネズミをつまんで・・・
On the next evening, a mother mouse with baby appeared saying "my baby is sick now. Could you play a music to cure him?" There seems to be a rumor that Gauche's play heals diseases.So he put the baby in the hall of the cello and...
That's all I made for this exhibition. What will happen to Gauche and the animals the next...? And what about the result of his coming concert that he was worried about..? Including the end of the story, I am planning to make some more illustrations and would like to make small books with some text. (book sample with English and Japanese text↓)